Saturday, June 29, 2013

Deployment blues

I don't know about anyone else but let me tell you Deploment is for the birds! I'm trying my best to stay positive & strong for my baby girl but I feel so alone. I thought moving home would make things easier but they are just worse. I feel like everyone's lives keep going forward and I am just on hold waiting for my life to come home. I don't think I've ever miss anyone so much in my life, it's painful. & on top of all that I am hardly getting any rest because my daughter loves to just cat nap. It so rough. I'm so ready to be home with my husband. I just want to know he is safe. I do not know how single mothers do it. It amazes me to see how much my life has changed in just one year. & to add gasoline to the fire burning in my heart it is mine & my husbands 9 month anniversary. Today just sucked, I'm praying for tomorrow though.