Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Liebster Award

Big thanks to Kodie at Confessions of An Army Housewife  for the nomination of The Liebster Award. This is my first nomination and I am so grateful. Thanks again beauty.

What exactly is this award? This award is to be presented to blogs who have less than 200 followers. Awesome? Right? I thought so too! Such a great way to spread the word and love for us newer and smaller blogs.

Here are the deets. After being acknowledged, you should...-Acknowledge the blog that nominated you in a post.-Tell 11 facts about yourself.-Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.-List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you believe deserve some recognition.-Post 11 questions for them to answer.-Notify all the bloggers selected that they have been nominated.-And finally, you can't nominate the blog who nominated you.

So let's get this started shall we!

11 Facts About Myself-

I always said I wouldn't get married or have kids.
It's hard for me to believe I ever lived without my daughter & husband.
I secretly favor my little cousin Estevan
I dream of being a country music singer.
I am in LOVE with DVR
Someday I hope to see the seven wonders of the world.
I am a concert whore. I live to hear live music!
I hope to be a social worker...eventually.
I forgive easily.
I do not drink alcohol but I do miss it.
I tend to love everyone, some people would say I took the phrase love like Jesus to literally!

11 Questions

What is your favorite thing to do in the gym? OR what is your favorite class to take?
I love to stair master or yoga!

If you could change your career to anything, what would it be?
At the moment being at home with my daughter is my dream job.

Its late, you need a midnight snack, what is your go to in your pantry/fridge right now?
Probably a cutie! (The small oranges)

Copy and paste your favorite gif!

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be?
I am getting "I love you" in my husbands handwriting on my ring finger.

If your Facebook or Instagram was disabled for a week, how long could you endure it without going crazy.
I could live without Facebook but not Instagram!

What is your favorite old Disney movie?
The Little Mermaid

If you could own one animal, of any kind, what would you choose?
A giraffe!
What is one thing of your husband/boyfriend's that you would get rid of?

If you could time travel to one major event in history, where would you go?
Pearl Harbor

Do you know about Scentsy? If not, ask me about it! ;) But what is your favorite Scentsy product?!
I love my sun kissed citrus bar❤

I nominate this award too

My questions for you...
1. How did you meet your husband?
2. What is your favorite home cooked meal?
3. What word would the people who know you best use to describe you?
4. What is your dream vacation?
5. What is your favorite childhood memory?
6. Copy & paste your favorite gif.
7. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?
8. Top five songs you can't help but sing in the car.
9. Favorite movie line?
10. Dream job?
11. Favorite mix drink?

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